Supriya Ermione is a Circus Performer, Butoh Dancer, Art Director, Tantrika and Ayurveda practitioner. Over the years her path brought her to studying Clownery, Tantra, Yoga, Ayurveda and Shamanism.
She is trainer in Tao Tantric Arts, tantra massage and therapy and in Kundalini Awakening; Her passion is using movements, rituals, theatre and dance to embody “the art of intimacy”, and inspire artistic projects devoted to conscious relationships and conscious sexuality.
She was training on intimacy and conscious relationship, on non violent communication and process work.
Supriya is Italian, firmly dedicated to celebrate life and to the human evolutionary path.

TANTRA MASSAGE: Tantric massage is a style of massage or bodywork that draws on the principles of kashmir shaivism. Incorporates breathwork and meditation and mindfulness elements and is not necessarily sexual. Tantric massage also has a spiritual and energetic component, wherein the practitioner or giver helps move the receiver’s energy throughout the body to promote inner healing.
DE-ARMOURING bodywork: De-armouring is a way of releasing blockages, stuck energy, emotions and tension from the body, as armour. Body armour was first mentioned in writing by Wilhelm Reich back in the 1930’s. The practice of De-Armouring though, is as old as the Shamanic tradition and has many different forms. Reich described armour as the way the body holds tension and pain, when something has been experienced that activates the nervous system in a way that was not processed.
TANTRA COACHING: Tantra Coaching is a unique approach within a framework of dynamic psychosocial somatic activity. This is dynamic experiential work exploring how we show up in relationships, our sexual blueprint, our fantasies & fetishes, what we bring to our relationships, our unconscious patterns, how residual stress and trauma impact our love life and how to create a conscious loving practice. We will focus on having awareness in the moment through the body in an intimate connection with self, others and all that is; it is a very powerful , safe, empowering, informative liberating journey.
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