Margot Anand
Margot Anand, the world’s leading authority on Tantra, is an internationally acclaimed author, public speaker, teacher and seminar leader. Her best-selling books—The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, The Art of Sexual Magic, The Art of Everyday Ecstasy, Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm and The Sexual Ecstasy Workbook—have sold more than a million copies worldwide. Her teaching style is a rare synthesis of French erotic humor, American pragmatism, and Indian mysticism. She is particularly appreciated for her ability to bring healing, lightness, fun, and passion to the workshop atmosphere.
Her educational documentary, Margot Anand’s Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life, is an in-depth course in her renowned methods (offered on three DVDs) and delivers a Tantra refresher and some fun, novel twists to those familiar with her classic and timeless techniques. Her latest teachings are designed to inspire a whole new generation of lovers.
Throughout the past two decades, Margot Anand has developed and taught the Love and Ecstasy Training (LET)®, a method of healing and enhancing sexuality to its ultimate potential: ecstasy. She is also the founder of nine worldwide SkyDancing® Tantra Institutes—a new approach to Tantra, or “Neo-Tantra.” SkyDancing Tantra is probably the most complete path to sexual bliss for western lovers.
Margot Anand’s ability to bring the teachings of Tantra beyond the bedroom and into everyday life is her signature. She is also pioneering a new method, “Yoga of Living,” in which she coaches people in designing ecstatic lifestyles. In addition, she has a new book (soon to be published) called Love, Sex and Awakening: Finding God in Bed, which will enlighten her audience with twelve life adventures that were her initiations into the connection between sexuality and spirituality.

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