The Temple Space
Take time to nourish yourself
The Temple Space
In the evenings we will have a wonderful & true Love Temple. A sacred place where you can deepen connections into more intimate space from a place of relaxation. That can be with others, or simply being deeply connected with yourself. You are invited to fully and deliciously follow your flow of the moment. Let it be simple, challenging, stimulating, oozing with delight… There will be different spaces to explore & various types of connection, which can range from sensually feeding chocolate or fruits, enjoying different forms of touch or massage, or simply meditating by oneself. Sometimes it can be very liberating to find connections between a few people at the same time. What is really beautiful, is to allow yourself to flow through this space tuning into what it is you want to experience in each and every moment and be open for that to change – sometimes enjoying to give and receive caress, sometimes to enjoy a whisper chat, to be playful, being orgasmic, or to contemplate and meditate.
The invitation is that you connect from your truth and respect and honor your own and other’s truths, so every interaction is with consent, in feedback and respecting the choices of all involved. We would love for everyone to feel pleasant, safe and comfortable within the Space, a true Temple, we create. You are a part of this yourself. And thus, you are responsible for how you deal with anything. Loving, respecting, vulnerable, sensitive… We shall look after this setting. We shall make sure that there will always be a Shakti & Shiva to hold the space and initiate certain explorations. Furthermore, you are – naturally – responsible for your own well-being, and you shall feel into what you do or don’t want, in the moment. The divine atmosphere is one of kindness, love, openness, expansion, sensuality and pleasure. Please be respecting and inviting towards yourself and others – What is up-most important is that you connect from your truth and respect and honor other’s truths, so every interaction is with consent, in feedback and respecting the choices of all involved.
This year we will be having themed nights, that span various traditions of love through the ages with music and decoration to inspire – ranging from the times of more earth-connected mysteries, through the Greek myths and Sufi Dervishes.
“Respect your uniqueness, and drop comparison.
Relax into your being.”
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