Alícia Ferreira
Alícia is a Coach and Therapist specializing in Tantra and Conscious Sexuality, hailing from Portugal. She has a strong foundation in Nursing and various Holistic Therapies.
Alícia empowers both women and men to transform their relationship with sexuality and redefine their roles in society. Through her work, she helps individuals reclaim their personal power, cultivate self-love, enhance self-esteem, and boost self-confidence. She also guides her clients in reconnecting with their own pleasure and integrating Tantra into their daily lives, fostering consciousness and personal development.
In recent years, Alícia has participated in conferences, workshops, retreats, and festivals across Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, and Brazil. Since 2022, she has been invited to co-facilitate international retreats, sharing her expertise and passion with a global audience.

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